онире ян ьлеиуекел мю вл!  

There is a lovely land
That proudly spreads her beeches
Beside the Baltic strand,
Beside the Baltic strand.
A land that curves in hill and dale,
That men have named Old Denmark,
And this is Freya's hall, and this is Freya's hall.
There sat that earlier day
The heroes in their harness
And rested from the fray;
And rested from the fray;
Then forth they went, the foe they downed,
But now their bones are resting
'Neath bauta-stone and mound,
'Neath bauta-stone and mound.
And still that land is fair,
So blue the seas that belt her,
So green the woodland there;
So green the woodland there;
And noble women, comely girls
And men and lads of mettle
Dwell in the Danish isles,
Dwell in the Danish isles.

они я пняяхеи!

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